Fri. May 17th, 2024

Experts from Irenea, the Vithas Neurological Rehabilitation Institute, have highlighted, on the occasion of the International Brain Daywhich will be held tomorrow, July 22, that it is important to adopt strategies to carry out a balanced diet and avoid alcohol consumption or do it in a moderate way, also during the holidays, with the aim of taking care of our brain health. “In today’s society there is a deep-rooted social dynamic that has led our brain to associate processed foods and alcoholic beverages such as beer or soft drinks, with a greater feeling of summer enjoyment. For this reason, we must remind them that there are healthy alternatives that can give us the same pleasure and that, at the same time, help us take care of them”, says Paula March, nutritionist at Irenea Vithas Valencia Consuelo and Vithas Aguas Vivas. As the nutrition expert recalls, the Mediterranean diet It is recognized worldwide for its health benefits and there is increasing scientific evidence supporting its positive impact on the brain. In fact, he stresses that various studies have shown that following a diet based on the principles of this well-known diet can reduce the risk of developing brain diseases, such as cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Balanced diet that promotes brain health

Specifically, the nutritionist recommends that “in order to adopt a balanced diet, rich in foods that promote brain health, it should be characterized by regular consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts or natural seeds and extra virgin olive oil, a moderate consumption of white meat and fish and low in red meat, leaving processed foods rich in simple sugars and saturated fats for punctual and occasional consumption.” On the other hand, Dr. Belén Moliner, Irenea’s medical director, explains that, along with food, “alcohol acts as a central nervous system depressant, which means that it slows down brain activity and negatively affects our cognitive and motor functions. And this can be seen reflected, for example, in a decrease in coordination, alteration of perception and vision, deterioration of concentration and attentionas well as an increase in the drowsiness or fatigue”. Consequences that, it is important to highlight, “not only occur during alcohol consumption, but can also persist in the body even after the immediate effects have disappeared.” Aware of the risks associated with alcohol consumption, the experts from Vithas Valencia Consuelo and Vithas Aguas Vivas emphasize the importance of replacing alcoholic beverages with healthier and more refreshing options, such as cold herbal infusions, water with sliced ​​fruits and vegetables, or Kombucha. These alternatives can help maintain adequate hydration during hot summer days, without compromising brain function. Finally, Dr. Moliner emphasizes that “it is essential to remember that brain health is not limited only to diet, but other key factors also play a role. Keep physically active, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and maintaining social relationships are equally important aspects. Taking a holistic approach to brain care will not only help keep this vital organ healthy, but will also promote and prolong our quality of life.”

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